Convert Calories to kilojoules instructions
The Convert Calories to kilojoules calculator only requires you to enter the Calories value and then click Submit.
The kilojoule value will then be displayed.
Calories are still frequently used by those dieting. Kiljoules is the energy unit of measure
that is easily found on food packaging.
Values to Enter
Enter the number of Calories you wish to convert to kilojoules.
If you just wish to convert Calories to kilojoules leave the portions value as 1.
Often when dieting I'm able to look up the number of Calories on the internet for a
food, such as how many Calories per 100g, but the amount of food I have isn't 100g,
but more or less. In other cases I can get the number of Calories for one item, but
I may have more than one. In both these cases I can now use the portions value
to multiply the Calories so I can better get the total kilojoules I want.
When it comes to a number of items the portion is just the number. If you have the
Calories per 100g, and you have a different weight, take the weight you have in grams,
divide by 100 and use that as the portion. For example say you have 0.543kg of chicken
breast. The Calories per 100g of chicken breast is 165 Calories. The weight is 0.543kg,
which is 543g. The portion then is 5.43, that is there is 5.43 portions of 100g in
the amount of chicken breast you have. By entering the Calories and the portions, you
can get the total kilojoules for the food.
People is included here as a common situation I'm faced with is the amount of food
I have is for more than one person. By entering the number of people you end up with
the number of kilojoules per person. If there's only one person, or if you only wish
to convert Calories to kilojoules, then leave the number of people as one.